EnforceRENOCompliance |
Member of: SynthesisAPI
Represents a Synthesis repository. Use any of the first four methods to establish a connection to a Synthesis repository. Once you have a connection, you can use the methods in the Project, Unit, Model, etc. fields to read and write data to the repository.
Repository |
Creates an instance of the Repository class.
ConnectToRepository |
Connects to a standard or enterprise repository. Returns a Boolean value; when true, indicates a successful connection to the repository.
ConnectToAccessRepository |
Connects to a standard repository (cannot be used to connect to an enterprise repository). Returns a Boolean value; when true, indicates a successful connection to the repository.
ConnectToSQLRepository |
Connects to a SQL Server repository. Returns a Boolean value; when true, indicates a successful connection to the repository.
ConnectToOracleRepository |
Connects to an Oracle repository. Returns a Boolean value; when true, indicates a successful connection to the repository.
DisconnectFromRepository |
Disconnects from the current repository.
Unit.GetAllUnits |
Returns an array of UnitInfo objects that represent the units of measurement associated with the Repository object.
Model.GetAllModels |
Returns an array of cModel objects that represent the model resources in the current project.
Model.AddModel |
Adds a new model resource to the current project. Returns a Boolean value; when true, indicates a successful save.
Model.UpdateModel |
Updates the properties of a given model resource in the current project. Returns a Boolean value; when true, indicates a successful update.
Model.GetModel |
Returns a cModel object that represents a given model resource in the current project. Returns nothing if the model does not exist or is not in the current project.
Model.IsModelUsed |
Checks whether the model is used by other items in the project. Returns a Boolean value; when true, indicates that the model is in use.
Model.DeleteModel |
Deletes an unused model from the current project. Throws an exception if the model is in use. Returns a Boolean value; when true, indicates a successful deletion.
Model.GetAllModelsInfo |
Deprecated Returns an array of NameIdPair objects that represent the name and ID pairs of the model resources in the current project. This includes internal models automatically created with any new repository (model ID#s 1 to 20).
URD.GetAllURDs |
Returns an array of cURD objects that represent the universal reliability definitions (URDs) in the current project.
Adds a new universal reliability definition (URD) resource to the current project. Returns a Boolean value; when true, indicates a successful save.
URD.UpdateURD |
Updates the properties of a given URD resource in the current project. Returns a Boolean value; when true, indicates a successful update.
Returns a cURD object that represents a given URD resource in the current project. Returns nothing if the URD does not exist or is not in the current project.
Variables.GetAllVariables |
Returns an array of cVariable objects that represent the variable resources in the current project.
Variables.AddVariable |
Adds a new variable resource to the current project. Returns a Boolean value; when true, indicates a successful save.
Variables.UpdateVariable |
Updates the properties of a given variable resource in the current project. Returns a Boolean value; when true, indicates a successful update.
Variables.GetVariable |
Returns a cVariable object that represents a given variable resource in the current project. Returns nothing if the variable does not exist or is not in the current project.
Task.GetAllCorrectiveTasks |
Returns an array of cCorrectiveTask objects that represent the corrective tasks in the current project.
Task.AddCorrectiveTask |
Adds a new corrective task to the current project. Returns a Boolean value; when true, indicates a successful save.
Task.UpdateCorrectiveTask |
Updates the properties of a given corrective task in the current project. Returns a Boolean value; when true, indicates a successful update.
Task.GetCorrectiveTask |
Returns a cCorrectiveTask object that represents a given corrective task resource in the current project. Returns nothing if the task does not exist or is not in the current project.
Task.GetAllScheduledTasks |
Returns an array of cScheduledTask objects that represent the scheduled tasks in the current project.
Task.AddScheduledTask |
Adds a new scheduled task to the current project. Returns a Boolean value; when true, indicates a successful save.
Task.UpdateScheduledTask |
Updates the properties of a given scheduled task in the current project. Returns a Boolean value; when true, indicates a successful update.
Task.GetScheduledTask |
Returns a cScheduledTask object that represents a given scheduled task resource in the current project. Returns nothing if the task does not exist or is not in the current project.
Task.GetAllTaskTypes |
Returns an array of TaskTypeInfo objects that represent the RCM++ or RBI task types associated with the Repository object.
Crew.GetAllCrews |
Returns an array of cCrew objects that represent the crew resources in the current project.
Crew.AddCrew |
Adds a new crew resource to the current project. Returns a Boolean value; when true, indicates a successful save.
Crew.UpdateCrew |
Updates the properties of a given crew resource in the current project. Returns a Boolean value; when true, indicates a successful save.
Crew.GetCrew |
Returns a cCrew object that represents a given crew resource in the current project. Returns nothing if the crew does not exist or is not in the current project.
Pool.GetAllPools |
Returns an array of cPool objects that represent the spare part pools in the current project.
Pool.AddPool |
Adds a new spare part pool to the current project. Returns a Boolean value; when true, indicates indicates a successful save.
Pool.UpdatePool |
Updates the properties of a given spare part pool in the current project. Returns a Boolean value; when true, indicates a successful update.
Pool.GetPool |
Returns a cPool object that represents a given spare part pool resource in the current project. Returns nothing if the spare part pool does not exist or is not in the current project.
Action.GetAllActionsDictionary |
Returns a dictionary object that contains all available action resources in the current project. The dictionary syntax is Dictionary(Of Integer, cAction), where the ID numbers are the keys and the cAction objects that represent the action resources are the associated values. (.NET only)
Action.GetAllActions |
Returns an array of cAction objects that represent the action resources in the current project.
Action.AddAction |
Adds a new action to the current project. The action description or name must be unique. Returns a Boolean value; when true, indicates a successful save.
Action.UpdateAction |
Updates the properties of a given action resource in the current project. Returns a Boolean value; when true, indicates a successful update.
Action.GetAction |
Returns a cAction object that represents a given action resource in the current project. Returns nothing if the action does not exist or is not in the current project.
Control.GetAllXfmeaControlsDictionary |
Returns a dictionary object that contains all available Xfmea controls in the current project. The dictionary syntax is Dictionary (Of Integer, cXfmeaControl), where the ID numbers are the keys and the cXfmeaControl objects that represent the controls are the associated values. (.NET only)
Control.GetAllXfmeaControls |
Returns an array of cXfmeaControl objects that represent the Xfmea controls in the current project.
Control.AddXfmeaControl |
Adds a new Xfmea control to the current project. Returns a Boolean value; when true, indicates a successful save.
Control.UpdateXfmeaControl |
Updates the properties of a given control resource in the current project. Returns a Boolean value; when true, indicates a successful update.
Control.GetXfmeaControl |
Returns a cXfmeaControl object that represents a given control resource in the current project. Returns nothing if the control does not exist or is not in the current project.
BlockSim.ImportBlockSimXMLFile |
Imports data from an XML file into the current BlockSim project. Returns a Boolean value; when true, indicates a successful import.
BlockSim.ExportBlockSimXMLFile |
Exports data from the current BlockSim project to a new XML file. Returns a Boolean value; when true, indicates a successful export.
Data Warehouse
DataWarehouse.SaveRawDataSet |
Adds a new Synthesis Data Warehouse (SDW) data collection to the associated Repository object. Returns a Boolean value; when true, indicates a successful save.
Xfmea.GetAllItemsInSystemHierarchyDictionary |
Returns a dictionary object that contains all available system hierarchy items in the current project. The dictionary syntax is Dictionary(Of Integer, XfmeaItem), where the ID numbers are the keys, and the XfmeaItem objects that represent the system hierarchy items are the associated values. (.NET only)
Xfmea.GetAllItemsInSystemHierarchy |
Returns an array of XfmeaItem objects that represent the system hierarchy items in the current project.
Xfmea.AddItemToSystemHierarchy |
Adds a new system hierarchy item to the current project. Returns a Boolean value; when true, indicates a successful save.
Xfmea.UpdateItemInSystemHierarchy |
Updates the properties of a given system hierarchy item in the current project. Returns a Boolean value; when true, indicates a successful update.
Xfmea.GetAllXfmeaFunctionsDictionary |
Returns a dictionary object that contains all available FMEA functions associated with a system hierarchy item. The dictionary syntax is Dictionary(Of Integer, XfmeaFunction), where the ID numbers are the keys, and the XfmeaFunction objects that represent the FMEA functions are the associated values. (.NET only)
Xfmea.GetAllXfmeaFunctions |
Returns an array of XfmeaFunction objects that represent the FMEA functions associated with a system hierarchy item.
Xfmea.GetXfmeaFunction |
Returns an XfmeaFunction object that represents a given FMEA function in the current project. Returns nothing if the FMEA function does not exist or is not in the current project.
Xfmea.AddXfmeaFunction |
Adds a new FMEA function to a system hierarchy item. Returns a Boolean value; when true, indicates a successful save.
Xfmea.UpdateXfmeaFunction |
Updates the properties of a given FMEA function in the current project. Returns a Boolean value; when true, indicates a successful update.
Xfmea.GetAllXfmeaFailuresDictionary |
Returns a dictionary containing all XfmeaFailures that belong to the function. The keys are the IDs of the XfmeaFailures. *
Xfmea.GetAllXfmeaFailures |
Returns an array containing all XfmeaFailures that belong to the function. *
Xfmea.GetXfmeaFailure |
Returns XfmeaFailure with the provided ID. *
Xfmea.AddXfmeaFailure |
Adds a new XfmeaFailure in the repository. *
Xfmea.UpdateXfmeaFailure |
Updates the XfmeaFailure in the repository. *
Xfmea.GetAllXfmeaEffectsDictionary |
Returns a dictionary containing all XfmeaEffects that belong to the failure. The keys are the IDs of the XfmeaEffects. *
Xfmea.GetAllXfmeaEffects |
Returns an array containing all XfmeaEffects that belong to the failure. *
Xfmea.GetXfmeaEffect |
Returns XfmeaEffect with the provided ID. *
Xfmea.AddXfmeaEffect |
Adds a new XfmeaEffect in the repository. *
Xfmea.UpdateXfmeaEffect |
Updates the XfmeaEffect in the repository. *
Xfmea.GetAllXfmeaCausesDictionary |
Returns a dictionary containing all XfmeaCauses that belong to the failure. The keys are the IDs of the XfmeaCauses. *
Xfmea.GetAllXfmeaCauses |
Returns an array containing all XfmeaCauses that belong to the failure. *
Xfmea.GetXfmeaCause |
Returns XfmeaCause with the provided ID. *
Xfmea.AddXfmeaCause |
Adds a new XfmeaCause in the repository. *
Xfmea.UpdateXfmeaCause |
Updates the XfmeaCause in the repository. *