cXfmeaControl Class

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Member of: SynthesisAPI

Represents a control resource.


Name Description
cXfmeaControl Creates an instance of the cXfmeaControl class.
cXfmeaControl() A parameterized constructor for the cXfmeaControl class. (.NET only)


Name Description
ControlDescription Gets or sets the description for the control. String.
ControlType Gets or sets the control type (e.g., detection, prevention, etc.). String.
CreatedByID Gets the numeric ID of the database user who created the control. Integer.
CreatedByNm Gets the display name of the database user who created the control. String.
CreatedDate Gets the date the control resource was created. Date.
ID Gets the numeric ID of the control. Integer.
LastUpdated Gets the date the control was last modified. Date.
LastUpdatedByID Gets the numeric ID of the database user who last modified the control. Integer.
LastUpdatedNm Gets the display name of the database user who last modified the control. String.
Name Gets or sets the control's name. String.
ProjectID Gets the numeric ID of the project the control belongs to. Integer.
UDD1 Gets or sets the text in the first user-defined drop-down field. (Limited to 50 characters.) String.
UDD2 Gets or sets the text in the second user-defined drop-down field. (Limited to 50 characters.) String.
UDT1 Gets or sets the date in the first user-defined date field. Date.
UDT2 Gets or sets the date in the second user-defined date field. Date.
UN1 Gets or sets the value in the first user-defined number field. Double.
UN2 Gets or sets the value in the second user-defined number field. Double.
UT1 Gets or sets the text in the first user-defined text field. String.
UT2 Gets or sets the text in the second user-defined text field. String.
UT3 Gets or sets the text in the third user-defined text field. String.
UT4 Gets or sets the text in the fourth user-defined text field. String.
UT5 Gets or sets the text in the fifth user-defined text field. String.

See Also