cURD Class

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Member of: SynthesisAPI

Represents a universal reliability definition (URD) resource.


Name Description
cURD Creates an instance of the cURD class.
cURD() A parameterized constructor for the cURD class. (.NET only)


Name Description
GetScheduledTaskIDs Returns an array containing the numeric IDs of of the scheduled tasks assigned to the URD. Long.
SetScheduledTaskIDs Assigns scheduled tasks to the URD.


Name Description
CorrectiveTaskID Gets or sets the numeric ID of the corrective task assigned to the URD. Integer.
FailureModelID Gets or sets the numeric ID of the failure model assigned to the URD. Integer.
ID Gets the numeric ID of the URD. Integer.
ItemApplication Gets or sets the item's application. (Synthesis identifier) String
ItemCategoryID Gets or sets the category ID. (Synthesis identifier) Integer
ItemComments Gets or sets the comments. (Synthesis identifier) String
ItemDescription Gets or sets the description. (Synthesis identifier) String
ItemKeywords Gets or sets the keywords. (Synthesis identifier) String
ItemPartNumber Gets or sets the part number. (Synthesis identifier) String
ItemSupplier Gets or sets the supplier name. (Synthesis identifier) String
ItemVersion Gets or sets the version number. (Synthesis identifier) String
Name Gets or sets the name of the URD. String.
ProjectID Gets the numeric ID of the project the URD belongs to. Integer.
ScheduledTaskIDs() Gets or sets an array containing the numeric IDs of the scheduled tasks assigned to the URD. (.NET only) Long.

See Also