Resource Classes

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Use these classes to create resources, edit their properties and calculate reliability metrics from fitted models. The cModel class also allows you to perform calculations.


  • cModel The model class allows you to represent probabilities, durations or costs, either fixed or time-dependent. It also contains methods for accessing the calculations performed with the Quick Calculation Pad (QCP).
  • cAction Synthesis applications allow you to create and track actions to ensure that appropriate progress is being made. Actions are resources that are available for use throughout the project.
  • cURD Universal reliability definitions (URDs) are used to represent a set of properties that can include failure behavior and maintenance tasks. URDs are resources that are available for use throughout the project.
  • cVariable Variables each store a fixed numerical value and can be programmatically varied during simulation.
  • cCrew Crews are assigned to tasks. They represent the labor personnel who will perform the maintenance activity.
  • cPool Spare part pools are assigned to tasks. They are used to describe the conditions that determine whether a spare part will be available when needed and to specify the time and costs associated with obtaining the spare part.
  • cCorrectiveTask Corrective tasks are unplanned maintenance activities that are performed when a failure occurs. They can be assigned to URDs.
  • cScheduledTask The cScheduledTask class allows you to choose or create multiple scheduled tasks for the URD. Each task may be a preventive maintenance, inspections or on condition task. The tasks are displayed in their priority order, which is the order in which they will be performed.