XfmeaFailure Class

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Member of: SynthesisAPI

Represents an FMEA failure.


Name Description
XfmeaFailure Creates an instance of the XfmeaFailure class.


Name Description
AnalysisID Gets the numeric ID of the FMEA analysis. Long.
CreatedByID Gets the numeric ID of the database user who created the failure. Long.
CreatedByNm Gets the display name of the database user who created the failure. String.
CreatedDate Gets the date the failure was created. Date.
Dormancy Gets or sets the description for how long the failure will be hidden, if the failure is undetectable. String.
Dsc Gets or sets the description of the failure. String.
Comments Gets or sets the comments of the failure. String.
FailProbVal Gets or sets the rating scale value of the failure probability (i.e., likelihood of occurrence) for the failure mode. Variant.
FailureID Gets the numeric ID of the failure. Long.
FunctionID Gets the numeric ID of the function associated with the failure. Long.
Keywds Gets or sets the item keywords. String.
LastUpdated Gets the date the failure was last modified. Date.
LastUpdatedByID Gets the numeric ID of the database user who last modified the failure. Long.
LastUpdatedNm Gets the display name of the database user who last modified the failure. String.
Mechanism Gets or sets the description of the physical, chemical, electrical, thermal or other process that results in the failure mode. String.
Mission Gets or sets the description of the mission phase (or operational mode) in which the failure mode occurs. String.
Nm Gets or sets the name for the failure. String.
ProbofLossModelID Gets or set the numeric ID of the model that represents the probability that the failure mode would result in a system failure (criticality analysis). Returns the value 0 if the model does not exist. Long.
SevClassVal Gets or sets the severity class rating value of the failure. Variant.
UDD1 Gets or sets the text in the first user-defined drop-down field. (Limited to 50 characters.) String.
UDD2 Gets or sets the text in the second user-defined drop-down field. (Limited to 50 characters.) String.
UDT1 Gets or sets the date in the first user-defined date field. Date.
UDT2 Gets or sets the date in the second user-defined date field. Date.
UN1 Gets or sets the value in the first user-defined number field. Double.
UN2 Gets or sets the value in the second user-defined number field. Double.
Undetectable Indicates whether the failure mode is undetectable during normal operation. Boolean. Default value = False.
URD_ID Gets or sets the numeric ID of the URD associated with the failure's reliability policy. Long.
UT1 Gets or sets the text in the first user-defined text field. String.
UT2 Gets or sets the text in the second user-defined text field. String.
UT3 Gets or sets the text in the third user-defined text field. String.
UT4 Gets or sets the text in the fourth user-defined text field. String.
UT5 Gets or sets the text in the fifth user-defined text field. String.

See Also