Talk:WeibullEvents Class/Notes

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Member of: SynthesisAPI

Contains all the event handlers that can be called by WeibullDataSet. To use events, you must inherit the class, override its methods and assign its instance to the Events property of a WeibullDataSet. WeibullEvents inheritance is not available in VB6/VBA.


Usage Example

 'Overrides requested. Create a new class and inherit WeibullEvents. Then set the dataset's events. 
 Private Class myEvents
     Inherits WeibullEvents
         Public Overrides Sub Message(sender As WeibullDataSet, sMsg As String, 
         AdditionalInfo As String, IsCritical As Boolean)
             MyBase.Message(sender, sMsg, AdditionalInfo, IsCritical)
                 '<Add additional code here.> 
         End Sub
 End Class
 'Declare a new WeibullDataSet. 
 Dim WDS as New WeibullDataSet
 'Use the created myEvents class in place of the one created by the dataset. 
 WDS.Events = New myEvents
 'Show a prompt with the respective strings. The additional code will also run. 
 WDS.Events.Message(WDS, "Message1", "AdditionalInfo1", False)