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Member of: SynthesisAPI.WeibullEvents

Called when the calculation progress should be updated. Provides ability to customize the calculation progress display.


  • UpdateCalculationProgress( sender As WeibullDataSet , msgx_0 As String, msgx_1 As String, pdone As Double, append_to As Boolean, Prev_increment As Long, Cancel As Boolean )


sender: A WeibullDataSet object.
msgx_0: The main display label.
msgx_1: The remaining label.
pdone : The percentage to display, in decimal form (0.00 to 0.99).
append_to: If True, append pdone to the current percentage value in the progress display at the rate of Prev_increment, otherwise pdone will replace the value.
Prev_increment: This is the value of the incremental value per progress update if append_to is True. If append_to is False, this value is ignored.
Cancel: This determines if the calculation can be cancelled.

Usage Example

 'Overrides requested. Create a new class, inherit WeibullEvents, and set the dataset's events. 
 Private Class myEvents
     Inherits WeibullEvents
     Public Overrides Sub UpdateCalculationProgress(sender As WeibullDataSet, msgx_0 As String, 
     msgx_1 As String, pdone As Double, append_to As Boolean, Prev_increment As Long, ByRef Cancel As Boolean)
         MyBase.UpdateCalculationProgress(sender, msgx_0, msgx_1, pdone, append_to, Prev_increment, Cancel)
         ("Additional overridden code here.")
     End Sub
 End Class
 'Set the new Events class. 
 WDS.Events = New myEvents
 'Update calculation progress. 
 WDS.Events.UpdateCalculationProgress(WDS, "1","2", 0.5, True, 0.2, wasCanceled)
 'The "Cancel" checkbox reflects the value of wasCanceled