cModel.Bounds MeanTime

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Member of: SynthesisAPI.cModel

Calculates the bounds on the mean time to failure for an associated cModel object. Returns a BoundsValues object that represents the confidence bounds.

Remarks: Use the SetConfidenceLevel method to specify the confidence bound settings, and then use this method to perform the calculations. This method applies to published models only. Returns nothing if the calculation is performed on a non-published model.


.Bounds_MeanTime( CurrentAge, DutyCycle) 



Optional. Double. The current age. Default value = 0.


Optional. Double. The duty cycle. Default value = 1.


This example assumes that a published model with ID #47 exists in the repository.



 'Get model ID #47 from project ID #1 in the repository. 
  Dim AModel As cModel
  Set AModel = MyRepository.Model.GetModel(47)
 'Set the confidence level to 90% two-sided bounds. 
  Dim ErrorMsg As String
  Call AModel.SetConfidenceLevel(0.9, ConfBoundsSides_TwoSidedBoth, False, ErrorMsg)

 'Calculate the bounds on the model's mean time to failure. 
  Dim ResultValue As BoundsValues
  Set ResultValue = AModel.Bounds_MeanTime

 'Output sample: Display the results for the upper and lower confidence bounds. 
  MsgBox (" Upper bound: " & ResultValue.Upper & ", Lower bound: " & ResultValue.Lower)


 'Get model ID #47 from project ID #1 in the repository. 
  Dim AModel As cModel
  AModel = MyRepository.Model.GetModel(47)
 'Set the confidence level to 90% two-sided bounds. 
  Dim ErrorMsg As String
  AModel.SetConfidenceLevel(0.9, ConfBoundsSides.TwoSidedBoth, False, ErrorMsg)

 'Calculate the bounds on the model's mean time to failure. 
  Dim ResultValue As BoundsValues
  ResultValue = AModel.Bounds_MeanTime

 'Output sample: Display the results for the upper and lower confidence bounds. 
  MsgBox (" Upper bound: " & ResultValue.Upper & ", Lower bound: " & ResultValue.Lower)