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ALTA: Accelerated Life Testing Data Analysis Software Tool Accelerated life tests... quantifiable resultsTM

ReliaSoft's ALTA software is still the only commercially available software tool designed expressly for quantitative accelerated life testing data analysis using rigorous scientific analysis methods.

Quantitative accelerated life testing techniques in conjunction with powerful QALT data analysis methodologies give design and reliability engineers the power to significantly reduce test times, which can provide faster time to market, lower product development costs, lower warranty costs and other benefits!

Software Features ALTA provides a comprehensive toolset for accelerated test planning and quantitative accelerated life testing data analysis, plots and reporting. The software tool is available in two versions:

ALTA Standard provides the life-stress relationship models required to analyze accelerated life test data with 1 or 2 constant stresses.

ALTA PRO offers advanced capabilities for analyzing accelerated life test data with up to 8 simultaneous stress types where stress is constant or varies with time!

Both versions provide a complete array of utilities for designing accelerated life tests, evaluating the fit of the model, calculating reliability metrics, generating plots and performing related statistical analyses.

ALTA Features Summary 
Capability Highlights 
Compare Standard vs. PRO 

Available Training ReliaSoft offers two training courses that specifically address the subject of quantitative accelerated life testing data analysis (ALT analysis, QALT analysis) and related techniques. By combining a solid theoretical foundation with practical application examples and hands-on software training, these courses will give you the knowledge and skills you will need to successfully apply these useful methodologies to meet the specific challenges you face.

RS 402: Introduction to Accelerated Life Testing
RS 521: Advanced Accelerated Life Testing Analysis
Step-by-Step Training Guide (*.pdf) 

Applications and Benefits Some of the potential applications and benefits for using quantitative accelerated life testing data analysis techniques and ReliaSoft's ALTA software tool include the ability to:

•Understand and quantify the effects of stress (or other factors) on product life. •Design accelerated tests that will be the most effective to achieve desired objectives. •Significantly reduce the test time required to obtain reliability metrics for a product, which can result in faster time-to-market, lower product development costs and improved designs.

Application Examples