WeibullBestFitOptions Class

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Member of: SynthesisAPI

Represents the settings for the goodness of fit tests of an associated WeibullDataSet object.


Name Description
AllowAllDistributions Sets the first eleven properties in the class (as shown below) to true.
AllowNoneDistributions Sets the first eleven properties in the class (as shown below) to false.


Name Description
AllowExponential1 Indicates whether the 1-parameter exponential distribution will be considered. Boolean
AllowExponential1 Indicates whether the 2-parameter exponential distribution will be considered. Boolean
AllowNormal Indicates whether the normal distribution will be considered. Boolean
AllowLognormal Indicates whether the lognormal distribution will be considered. Boolean
AllowWeibull2 Indicates whether the 2-parameter Weibull distribution will be considered. Boolean
AllowWeibull3 Indicates whether the 3-parameter exponential distribution will be considered. Boolean
AllowGamma Indicates whether the gamma distribution will be considered. Boolean
AllowGenGamma Indicates whether the generalized gamma distribution will be considered. Boolean
AllowLogistic Indicates whether the logistic distribution will be considered. Boolean
AllowLogLogistic Indicates whether the loglogistic distribution will be considered. Boolean
AllowGumbel Indicates whether the Gumbel distribution will be considered. Boolean
Analysis Gets or sets a value from the WeibullSolverMethod enumeration, which specifies the method (e.g., RRX, MLE, etc.) for estimating the parameters of the distribution.
ConfBounds Gets or sets a value from the WeibullSolverCBMethod enumeration, which specifies the method for calculating the confidence bounds (e.g., Fisher Matrix).
RankingMethod Gets or sets a value from the WeibullSolverRankMethod enumeration, which specifies the rank method (e.g., median ranks or Kaplan-Meier) for calculating the unreliability estimates of the times-to-failure data.
SortBeforeCalculations Indicates whether the failures/suspension times in the data set are sorted in ascending order before calculation. Boolean.
UngroupedGroupedData Indicates whether to ungroup a grouped data set when using rank regression. Boolean.
UseRSRegression Indicates whether to use ReliaSoft's ranking method (RRM) to calculate the unreliability estimates for times-to-failure data. Boolean.
UseSpecialSort Indicates whether failures will always be put before suspensions when two identical times are encountered. Boolean.


The following example demonstrates how to initialize the goodness of fit analysis settings for a particular WeibullDataSet object.


 'Declare a new WeibullDataSet object. 
  Dim WDS As New WeibullDataSet
 'Specify the analysis settings. 
  WDS.BestFitSettings.Analysis = WeibullSolverMethod_MLE
  WDS.BestFitSettings.ConfBounds = WeibullSolverCBMethod_FisherMatrix
  WDS.BestFitSettings.RankingMethod = WeibullSolverRankMethod_Median
  WDS.BestFitSettings.SortBeforeCalculations = True
  WDS.BestFitSettings.UngroupGroupedData = False
  WDS.BestFitSettings.UseRSRegression = False
  WDS.BestFitSettings.UseSpecialSort = True

 'Add failure times to the data set. 
  Call WDS.AddFailure(10, 1)
  Call WDS.AddFailure(20, 1)
  Call WDS.AddFailure(30, 1)  

 'Analyze the data set. 
  Call WDS.CalculateBestFit()

 'Declare a new WeibullDataSet object. 
  Dim WDS As New WeibullDataSet
 'Specify the analysis settings. 
  Call WDS.BestFitSettings.AllowAllDistributions
  WDS.BestFitSettings.Analysis = WeibullSolverMethod.MLE
  WDS.BestFitSettings.ConfBounds = WeibullSolverCBMethod.FisherMatrix
  WDS.BestFitSettings.RankingMethod = WeibullSolverRankMethod.Median
  WDS.BestFitSettings.SortBeforeCalculations = True
  WDS.BestFitSettings.UngroupGroupedData = False
  WDS.BestFitSettings.UseRSRegression = False
  WDS.BestFitSettings.UseSpecialSort = True

 'Add failure times to the data set. 
  WDS.AddFailure(10, 1)
  WDS.AddFailure(20, 1)
  WDS.AddFailure(30, 1)  

 'Analyze the data set. 