Repository Class
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Provides an application the ability to access and edit Synthesis Repositories.
- New Repository Creates a new Synthesis Repository connection class.
- Repository.ConnectToRepository Connects to any (MS Access, MS SQL or Oracle) repository. If the extension of the file is 'rserp' then it connects to the enterprise database described in the file. Otherwise MS Access repository is assumed.
- Repository.ConnectToAccessRepository Connects to an MS Access repository.
- Repository.ConnectToSQLRepository Connects to an MS SQL repository.
- Repository.ConnectToOracleRepository Connects to an Oracle repository.
- Repository.DisconnectFromRepository Disconnects from current repository.
- Repository.GetAllProjects Returns an array containing all project names and their IDs from the current repository.
- Repository.GetCurrentProject Returns the name and ID of the current project.
- Repository.SetCurrentProject Opens (sets as current) a project with the specified ID. If 0 is passed, a fist available project will be set as current.
- Repository.GetAllUnits Returns the default unit ID.
- Repository.GetAllModelsInfo Returns an array containing all model names and their IDs from the current project.
- Repository.GetModel Returns the model from the current project with the specified ID. Returns nothing if the model does not exist or is not in the current project.
- GetAllModels Returns an array containing all models from the current project.
- AddModel Saves a new model in the repository.
- UpdateModel Updates the model in the repository.
- GetAllURDs Returns an array containing all URDs from the current project.
- AddURD Saves a new URD in the repository.
- UpdateURD Updates the URD in the repository.
- GetAllVariables Returns an array containing all Variables from the current project.
- AddVariable Saves a new Variable in the repository.
- UpdateVariable Updates the Variable in the repository.
- GetAllCorrectiveTasks Returns an array containing all corrective tasks from the current project.
- AddCorrectiveTask Saves the corrective task in the repository.
- UpdateCorrectiveTask Updates the Corrective task in the repository.
- GetAllCrews Returns an array containing all crews from the current project.
- AddCrew Saves the crew in the repository.
- UpdateCrew Updates the Crew in the repository.
- GetAllPools Returns an array containing all spare parts pools from the current project.
- AddPool Saves the spare parts pool in the repository.
- UpdatePool Updates the spare parts Pool in the repository.
- AddAction Saves the action in the repository.
- UpdateAction Updates the Action in the repository.
- ImportBlockSimXMLFile Imports from XML file to the current project.
- SaveRawDataSet Saves the raw data set in the repository.
- GetAllXFRACASEntities Returns an array containing all entity names and and their IDs from the current repository.
- ImportXFRACASXMLFile Uploads an import file for processing and returns the system ID of the uploaded
- Repository.EnforceRENOCompliance Defines the restrictions on model names. True by default.