Template:ALTA Standard Folio Plot Example

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ALTA Standard Folio Plot Type Example

This example illustrates the different plots that can be generated in ALTA. Consider to the following accelerated testing data.

Time Failed (hr) Temperature (K)
248 406
456 406
528 406
731 406
813 406
164 416
176 416
289 416
319 416
340 416
543 416
92 426
105 426
155 426
184 426
219 426
235 426

The data was analyzed using the Arrhenius relationship and the Weibull distribution. The next figure shows the ALTA folio with the results of the analysis.

Plots Example 1.gif

Given this analysis the following plots can be generated in ALTA.

1. Use Level Probability Plot

The use level probability plot uses the selected model to extrapolate the times-to-failure at the observed (accelerated) stress level to the specified use stress level. In this example the use temperature was set at 356K. The data points are then reordered and plotted, along with the overall solution based on the Arrhenius-Weibull model at 356K.

Plots Example 2.gif

2. Probability Plot

The probability plot presents the data at the entered individual stress levels (406K, 416K and 426K). In addition, the use stress level line, based on the estimated parameters of the Arrhenius-Weibull model and the specified stress level of 356K, is plotted. The y-axis represents unreliability and the x-axis represents time.

Plots Example 3.gif