Template:Overlay plots
Overlay Plots
BlockSim gives you the ability to place results from more than one RBD, fault tree and/or phase diagram on a single plot using an overlay plot. To add an overlay plot to a project, choose Insert > Reports and Plots > Overlay Plot.
The Select Diagrams window will appear, allowing you to select the RBDs, fault trees and/or phase diagrams to be associated with the overlay plot from any diagram in the project. You must have two or more analyzed diagrams, fault trees and/or phase diagrams within the current project in order to plot multiple diagrams in an overlay plot diagram.
Note that if you select a simulation plot before simulating all selected diagrams, fault trees and/or phase diagrams, a window will appear asking if you want to simulate the diagram. If you click Yes, the Maintainability/Availability Simulation window will appear, which allows you to perform the simulation. After running the simulation, the overlay plot displays the plot.