WAPlotSettings Class

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Member of: SynthesisAPI

Represents the plot settings of an associated WAPlots object.


Name Description
ConfBounds_SideSelected Gets or sets a value from the ConfBoundsSides enumeration, which specifies the sides of the confidence bounds (e.g., two-sided bounds, one-sided upper bound, etc.)
ConfBounds_TypesSelected Gets or sets a value from the ConfBoundsTypes enumeration, which specifies the type of the confidence bounds (e.g., type I or type II, etc.)
ConfidenceLevel Gets or sets the confidence level. Double
ContourConfLevel Gets or sets the confidence level for the contour line plot. Double
ShowTargetReliability Indicates whether to show the target reliability line on the plot. Boolean.
TargetReliability Gets or sets the value of the target reliability. Double
ShowTargetTime Indicates whether to show the target time line on the plot. Boolean
TargetTime Gets or sets the value of the target time. Double
ShowTargetMarker Indicates whether to show a marker on the intersection of the target reliability and time lines on the plot. Boolean
AutoscaleX Indicates whether the plot automatically chooses the appropriate values for the X-axis. Boolean
AutoscaleY Indicates whether the plot automatically chooses the appropriate values for the Y-axis. Boolean
Xmax Gets or sets the maximum value for the X-axis. Applies only if AutoscaleX is false. Double
Ymax Gets or sets the maximum value for the Y-axis. Applies only if AutoscaleY is false. Double
Ymin Gets or sets the maximum value for the Y-axis. Applies only if AutoscaleY is false. Double
ShowLeftCensoredPoints Indicates whether to show the left censored points on the plot when plotting interval or left censored data. Boolean
ShowLinesAroundInterval Indicates whether to show vertical lines around the points for interval censored data. Boolean
ShowNumberInGroup Indicates whether to show the number of data points in the group for grouped data. Boolean
ShowParameterBar Indicates whether to show a box around the parameter scales on a probability plot. Boolean
ShowParameterScales Indicates whether to show the parameter scales on a probability plot. Boolean
ShowSuspensionPoints Indicates whether to show the suspension (right-censored) data points on the plot when plotting suspended data. Boolean
PlotXPrecision Gets or sets the math precision of the labels on the X-axis. Integer
PlotXTolerance Gets or sets the point at which the plot will switch to scientific notation for the X-axis labels. Integer
PlotYPrecision Gets or sets the math precision of the labels on the Y-axis. Integer
PlotYTolerance Gets or sets the point at which the plot will switch to scientific notation for the Y-axis labels. Integer
HistogramInterval Gets or sets the interval in histogram plots. Set it to 0 to use the automatically calculated interval. Double
UserCompany Gets or sets the company name that appears on the plot. String
UserName Gets or sets the user name that appears on the plot. String
AdjustMLEPoints Indicates whether to adjust the y-axis positions of the plotted points to fit the MLE solution line (instead of plotting the points from rank regression). Boolean
StraightenGammaLine Indicates whether to straighten the parameter line on the probability plot for the gamma or generalized gamma distributions. Boolean

Usage Example

 'Create a new WAPlotSettings object. 
 Dim NewPlotSettings As New WAPlotSettings
 'Set the plot settings. 
 NewPlotSettings.UserName = ""
 NewPlotSettings.UserCompany = ""
 NewPlotSettings.AutoscaleX = True
 NewPlotSettings.AutoscaleY = True
 NewPlotSettings.Xmin = 0
 NewPlotSettings.Xmax = 0
 NewPlotSettings.Ymin = 0
 NewPlotSettings.ymax = 0
 NewPlotSettings.ShowParameterBar = True
 NewPlotSettings.ShowParameterScales = True
 NewPlotSettings.ShowTargetReliability = True
 NewPlotSettings.ShowTargetTime = True
 NewPlotSettings.ShowTargetMarker = True
 NewPlotSettings.TargetReliability = 0
 NewPlotSettings.TargetTime = 0
 NewPlotSettings.ShowSuspensionPoints = True
 NewPlotSettings.ShowLeftCensoredPoints = True
 NewPlotSettings.ShowLinesAroundInterval = True
 NewPlotSettings.AdjustMLEPoints = True
 NewPlotSettings.StraightenGammaLine = True
 NewPlotSettings.ShowNumberInGroup = True
 NewPlotSettings.PlotXPrecision = 0
 NewPlotSettings.PlotyPrecision = 0
 NewPlotSettings.PlotXTolerance = 0
 NewPlotSettings.PlotYTolerance = 0
 NewPlotSettings.ConfBounds_SideSelected = ConfBoundsSides.TwoSidedBoth
 NewPlotSettings.ConfBounds_TypesSelected = ConfBoundsTypes.None
 NewPlotSettings.ConfidenceLevel = 0
 NewPlotSettings.ContourConfLevel = 0
 NewPlotSettings.HistogramInterval = 0