Valid Date

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Revision as of 22:55, 3 April 2015 by John Leavitt (talk | contribs)
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<!— Day, Month and Year are required to be a valid date.
<!— All Dates imported should be in UTC or GMT+0, as all data stored in the database is in UTC.
<!— 4 Digit Integer.
<!— Integer-including to and between 1 and 12.
<!— Integer-including to and between 1 and 31.
<!— Integer-including to and between 0 and 24.
<!— Integer-including to and between 0 and 60.
<!— Integer-including to and between 0 and 60.
<!— FormattedDate is a String and is for display information on an export only.
<FormattedDate>06/19/2013 08:21 PM</FormattedDate>