WAPlotType Enumeration

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Specifies the plot type for a Weibull++/ALTA plot.


Public Enum WAPlotType

Formatted Usage Example 1

  WAPlotType Enum
  Probability = WeibullPlotType.ptProbability
  Reliability = WeibullPlotType.ptReliability
  Unreliability = WeibullPlotType.ptUnreliability
  Pdf = WeibullPlotType.ptPdf
  FailureRate = WeibullPlotType.ptFailureRate
  Contour = WeibullPlotType.ptContour
  FSHistogram = WeibullPlotType.ptFSHistogram
  PdfHistogram = 777
  FSPie = WeibullPlotType.ptFSPie
  FSTimeline = WeibullPlotType.ptFSTimeline
  UseLevelProbability = WeibullPlotType.ptUseLevel
  LifeVsStress = WeibullPlotType.ptLifeStress
  StdDevVsStress = WeibullPlotType.ptStdDevStress
  AFVsStress = WeibullPlotType.ptAFStress
  StandardResiduals = WeibullPlotType.ptStandardResiduals
  CoxSnellResiduals = WeibullPlotType.ptCoxSnellResiduals
  StandardVsFittedValue = WeibullPlotType.ptStandardFitted

Formatted Usage Example 2

This example shows the creation of a probability plot.

Create a new Weibull/ALTA Plot instance.

       Dim WeibullALTAPlot As New WAPlots

Declare a WeibullDataSet. See New WeibullDataSet for additional details.

       Dim WDS As New WeibullDataSet

Add values to the raw data. See AddFailure for additional details.

       WDS.AddFailure(1, 1)
       WDS.AddFailure(2, 1)
       WDS.AddFailure(3, 1)

Calculate the WeibullDataSet. See CalculateBestFit for additional details.


Add the WeibullDataSet to the WAPlots.


Create the WAPlot. In this example, it will create a Probability plot.

       Dim FinalPlot As Bitmap = WeibullALTAPlot.CreatePlot(WAPlotType.Probability)