User Element

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XML Element


<FirstName />
<MiddleName />
<LastName />
<Login />
<City />
<State />
<Country />
<EmployeeID />
<Email />
<EnityID />
<EntityName />
<Year />
<Month />
<Day />
<Hour />
<Minute />
<Second />
<FormattedDate />
<Year />
<Month />
<Day />
<Hour />
<Minute />
<Second />
<FormattedDate />
<Year />
<Month />
<Day />
<Hour />
<Minute />
<Second />
<FormattedDate />
<EnityID />
<EntityName />
<Year />
<Month />
<Day />
<Hour />
<Minute />
<Second />
<FormattedDate />
<Year />
<Month />
<Day />
<Hour />
<Minute />
<Second />
<FormattedDate />
<Year />
<Month />
<Day />
<Hour />
<Minute />
<Second />
<FormattedDate />
<Issue IssueTypeID= >
<Description />
<FirstName />
<MiddleName />
<LastName />
<Login />
<GroupName />
<GroupDescription />
<UserCategoryID />
<UserCategoryName />
<PermissionID />



  • The Credential element is required.
  • The FirstName and LastName elements are required.
  • The MiddleName element is optional.
  • The Login element is required and its value must not match an exising login.
  • The Locale element is optional. If present, it may contain any of the following elements:
City (City Name), State (State Name) and Country (Country Name).
  • The Email element is required.
  • The DefaultEntity element is required and must contain a valid entity
  • The CreatedDate element is required. If the date entered is not valid the current date and time will be used.
  • The ExpirationDate element is optional and, if present, must be a valid date.
  • The RevokeDate element is optional and, if present, must be a valid date.
  • The UserEntity element is optional and, if present, must contain a valid entity.
  • The ReportingOrg element is optional and, if present, must contain a valid existing issue with an IssueTypeID equal to 56 (Reporting Organization).
  • The ParentUser element is optional. If present, it must contain a Login element whose value matches an existing login.
  • The Group element is optional. If present, the GroupName element value must match an existing user group name.

  • The Categories element is optional. If present, the UserCategoryName element must match an existing user category or one that was created by the user within the application.

Standard User Categories:
ID        Category Name
2          FA Engineer
3          Default PRR Reviewer
4          Legal Expert
5          D2 Approver
6          D3 Approver
7          D4 Approver
8          D5 Approver
9          D6 Approver
10         D7 Approver
11         Problem Owner
12         D8 Approver
13         Project Owner
  • The UserPermissions element is optional. If present, the PermissionID element or the PermissionDescription element must match an existing permission. The PermissionID is checked first.
  • The RetiredDate is optional and, if present, must contain a valid date.