Weibull++ Standard Folio Data 1P-Weibull

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Only the scale parameter (eta) is estimated from data. You will be prompted to specify the shape parameter value. Eta represents the time by which 63.2% of the units fail.

Reliability Web Notes

Weibull Folio
Life Data Analysis

The One parameter Weibull distribution is a special case of the gereal Weibull distribution. With the one-parameter Weibull, we assume that the shape parameter is Constant and known a priori, and must be supplied by the analyst. This in turn sets the failure rate behavior. The advantage of doing this is that data sets with few or no failures can be analyzed.

[math]\displaystyle{ f(T)={ \frac{C}{\eta }}\left( {\frac{T}{\eta }}\right) ^{C-1}e^{-\left( {\frac{T}{ \eta }}\right) ^{C}} \,\! }[/math]

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