BlockSim Example: Phase with Failure or Success Paths

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Phase with F/S links


The purposes of this example is to illustrate how to apply F/S links in Phase simulation.

RBDs for Phase and settings

The RBDs for Phase 1 and Phase 2 are as followings:

RBD for Phase 1 and 2.png

In Phase 1, Block A follows Weibull distribution with Beta = 1.5 and Eta = 1000 hours. Block B follows Weibull distribution with Beta = 1.5 and Eta = 1200 hours. No maintenance.

In Phase 2, Block A follows Weibull distribution with Beta = 1.5 and Eta = 900 hours. Block B follows Weibull distribution with Beta = 1.5 and Eta = 1150 hours. No maintenance.

Example 1

The Phase diagram is as followings:

Phase Example 1.png

Maintenance phase has a CM with duration 80 hours and PM with duration 20 hours for both Block A and B.

Phase 1 has duration 500 hours and Phase 2 has duration 100 hours.

If there is no failure in Phase 1, upon finish, it goes to Phase 2. If there is a failure in Phase 1, it would go to Maintenance Phase 3 directly. If there is not failure in Phase 2, upon finish, it goes back to Phase 1. If there is a failure in Phase 2, it would to go Maintenance Phase 3.

The Block Up/Down plot is as followings:

  1. At the first cycle (0-500 for Phase 1 and 500-600 for Phase 2), there is no failure, thus after Phase 2, Phase 1 is executed (back to Phase 1 after this cycle).
  2. At 1135 (Phase 2 at second cycle), Block A fails. System doesn't enter Maintenance Phase 3 immediatly because in Phase 2, Block A and Block B are parallel. Only failure of Block A doesn't bring system down. 
  3. At 1200, system finishes Phase 2 and goes back to Phase 1. There is not system failure in Phase 2 (only failure is Block A). In Phase 1, Block A and Block B are in series. Failure of Block A passed from Phase 2 will bring system down in Phase 1. Thus there is a system failure in Phase 1 and system goes to Maintenance Phase 3 immediatly. Block B is not down, thus it gets PM with duration 20 hours. Block A gets CM with duration 100 hours. 
  4. At 2738, Block A fails in Phase 1 and bring system down immediatly. System goes into Maintenance Phase 3 immediatly. Block A gets CM and Block B gets PM.
Phase Up Down plot for Example 1.png

Example 2

The Phase diagram is as followings:

Phase Example 2.png

Everything is the same as that in Example 1 except that the link from Phase 2 to Maintenance Phase 3 changes from F link to S link. This means that even there is no failure in Phase 2, the system still go to Maintenance Phase 3 after Phase 2.

The Block Up/Down plot is as followings:

  1. At the first cycle (0-500 for Phase 1 and 500-600 for Phase 2), there is no failure, thus after Phase 2, the system go to Maintennace Phase 3 for PM for both Block A and B with duration 20 hours.