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{{DISPLAYTITLE:Synthesis Resources Tutorial}}{{Template:InProgress}}{{Template:API}}
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'''Synthesis Resources Tutorial'''
#[[#Part 1: Connecting to a Synthesis Repository and Project|Connecting to a Synthesis Repository and Project]]
#[[#Part 2: Creating a New Synthesis Resource|Creating a New Synthesis Resource]]
#[[#Part 3: Updating an Existing Resource|Updating an Existing Resource]]
#[[#Part 4: Calculating Results from Models|Calculating Results from Models]]
'''[[APISDWTutorial|Synthesis Data Warehouse (SDW) Tutorial]]
This four-part tutorial introduces you to the basic functionalities of the Synthesis API. You will learn how to use the API to connect to a Synthesis repository, create a new resource, update an existing resource and obtain calculated results from a model.
The Synthesis Platform uses repositories to store projects and analysis data. Projects, in turn, hold resources that contain various types of information that can be shared between analyses. Therefore, to create or update a resource in a Synthesis repository, we must begin by first connecting to the repository and then accessing the project that holds that resource.
==Part 1: Connecting to a Synthesis Repository and Project==
1. We'll start with the <code>Repository</code> class, which provides several methods for connecting to standard or enterprise repositories. In this example, we will use the basic <code>ConnectToRepository</code> method to create a simple application.
Create a new module and start with the following basic code for connecting to a standard Synthesis repository.
{{APIComment|'Declare a new instance of the Repository class.}}
  {{APIPrefix|Dim}} MyRepository {{APIPrefix|As New}} Repository
{{APIComment|'Specify the full path to the Synthesis repository.}}
{{APIComment|'The following code assumes that a standard repository called "RSRepository1.rsr10" exists in the C drive.}}
2. Next, use the <code>Project.SetCurrentProject</code> method to specify the current (or active) project by using the project's ID number. In this example, we'll first use the <code>Project.GetAllProjects</code> method to get an array of all projects in the repository, and then use the ID number of the first project in the array to set it as the current project.
{{APIComment|'Declare a new instance of the NameIdPair class.}}
  {{APIPrefix|Dim}} ListofProjects() {{APIPrefix|As}} NameIdPair
{{APIComment|'Get a list of all projects in the repository.}}
  ListOfProjects = MyRepository.Project.GetAllProjects()
{{APIComment|'Set the first available project as the current project.}}
{{APIComment|'Display the name and ID number of the current project.}}
  {{APIPrefix|Dim}} ProjectName {{APIPrefix|As}} String
  {{APIPrefix|Dim}} ProjectID {{APIPrefix|As}} Integer
  ProjectName = MyRepository.Project.GetCurrentProject().Name
  ProjectID = MyRepository.Project.GetCurrentProject().ID
  MsgBox ({{APIString|"You are currently connected to: "}} & ProjectName & {{APIString|", ID#"}} & ProjectID)
Any time you wish to switch to another project in the repository, you can always use the <code>Project.SetCurrentProject</code> method to specify a new active project.
However, if you wish to access projects from another repository, you’ll first need to disconnect from the current repository by using the <code>DisconnectFromRepository</code> method, and then use the <code>ConnectToRepository</code> method again to connect to the desired repository.
{{APIComment|'Disconnect from the Synthesis repository.}}
===Test the Code===
Let’s verify that our connections to the repository and project work.
Below is the code list for this example. On the Debug menu, click '''Start''' to run the application. A message box displays the name and ID number of the current project in the repository.
Sub Main()
{{APIComment|'Declare a new instance of the Repository class.}}
  {{APIPrefix|Dim}} MyRepository {{APIPrefix|As New}} Repository
{{APIComment|'Specify the full path to the Synthesis repository.}}
{{APIComment|'The following code assumes that a standard repository called "RSRepository1.rsr10" exists in the C drive.}}
{{APIComment|'Declare a new instance of the NameIdPair class.}}
  {{APIPrefix|Dim}} ListofProjects() {{APIPrefix|As}} NameIdPair
{{APIComment|'Get a list of all projects in the repository.}}
  ListOfProjects = MyRepository.Project.GetAllProjects()
{{APIComment|'Set the first available project as the current project.}}
{{APIComment|'Display the name and ID number of the current project.}}
  {{APIPrefix|Dim}} ProjectName {{APIPrefix|As}} String
  {{APIPrefix|Dim}} ProjectID {{APIPrefix|As}} Integer
  ProjectName = MyRepository.Project.GetCurrentProject().Name
  ProjectID = MyRepository.Project.GetCurrentProject().ID
  MsgBox ({{APIString|"You are currently connected to: "}} & ProjectName & {{APIString|", ID#"}} & ProjectID)
{{APIComment|'Disconnect from the Synthesis repository.}}
End Sub
To learn more, see the reference documentation for the classes and methods discussed in this section:
*[[Repository Class]]
*[[Repository.ConnectToRepository|Repository.ConnectToRepository Method]]
*[[Repository.DisconnectFromRepository|Repository.DisconnectFromRepository Method]]
*[[Repository.Project.GetAllProjects|Repository.Project.GetAllProjects Method]]
*[[Repository.Project.SetCurrentProject|Repository.Project.SetCurrentProject Method]]
*[[Repository.Project.GetCurrentProject|Repository.Project.GetCurrentProject Method]]
*[[NameIdPair Class]]
==Part 2: Creating a New Synthesis Resource==
Now that we've learned how to connect to a repository and a project, let’s try adding a new model resource to the repository.
1. Create a new module and begin again by connecting to the Synthesis repository and project.
{{APIComment|'Connect to the Synthesis repository and set project ID#1 as the current project.}}
  {{APIPrefix|Dim}} MyRepository {{APIPrefix|As New}} Repository
2. Use the <code>cModel</code> class to create a 2-parameter Weibull reliability model with beta 1 and eta 100. Name the model, "MyNewModel."
For VBA, use the <code>SetModel</code> method to define the model. For VB.NET, use the parameterized constructor to create and define the model.
'''VBA '''
{{APIComment|'Declare a new instance of the cModel class.}}
  {{APIPrefix|Dim}} Amodel {{APIPrefix|As New}} cModel
{{APIComment|'Define the model&#39;s properties.}}
  {{APIPrefix|Dim}} ModelType {{APIPrefix|As}} ModelTypeEnum
  {{APIPrefix|Dim}} ModelCategory {{APIPrefix|As}} ModelCategoryEnum
  {{APIPrefix|Dim}} ModelName {{APIPrefix|As}} String
  {{APIPrefix|Dim}} ModelParams(1) {{APIPrefix|As}} Double
  ModelType = ModelTypeEnum_Weibull2
  ModelCategory = ModelCategoryEnum_Reliability
  ModelName = {{APIString|"MyNewModel"}}
  ModelParams(0) = 1
  ModelParams(1) = 100
  {{APIPrefix|Call}} AModel.SetModel(ModelType, ModelCategory, ModelName, ModelParams)
{{APIComment|'Declare a new instance of the cModel class. You can use an in-line parameter list to define the model.}}
  {{APIPrefix|Dim}} AModel {{APIPrefix|As New}} cModel(ModelTypeEnum.Weibull2, ModelCategoryEnum.Reliability, {{APIString|"MyNewModel"}}, 1, 100)
3. Use the <code>AddModel</code> method to save the new model to the repository.
{{APIComment|'Add the new model to the current project.}}
  {{APIPrefix|Call}} MyRepository.Model.AddModel(AModel)
{{APIComment|'Add the new model to the current project.}}
===Test the Code===
Below are the VBA and VB.NET code lists for this example. On the Debug menu, click '''Start''' to run the application. Then in the Synthesis repository, open the project’s Resource Manager ('''Project > Synthesis> Resource Manager''') and then select the Models page. A model named "MyNewModel" should be on the list. (You may need to click the '''Refresh''' or '''Show All''' command to update the display.)
Sub Main()
{{APIComment|'Connect to the Synthesis repository and set project ID#1 as the current project.}}
  {{APIPrefix|Dim}} MyRepository {{APIPrefix|As New}} Repository
{{APIComment|'Declare a new instance of the cModel class.}}
  {{APIPrefix|Dim}} Amodel {{APIPrefix|As New}} cModel
{{APIComment|'Define the model&#39;s properties.}}
  {{APIPrefix|Dim}} ModelType {{APIPrefix|As}} ModelTypeEnum
  {{APIPrefix|Dim}} ModelCategory {{APIPrefix|As}} ModelCategoryEnum
  {{APIPrefix|Dim}} ModelName {{APIPrefix|As}} String
  {{APIPrefix|Dim}} ModelParams(1) {{APIPrefix|As}} Double
  ModelType = ModelTypeEnum_Weibull2
  ModelCategory = ModelCategoryEnum_Reliability
  ModelName = {{APIString|"MyNewModel"}}
  ModelParams(0) = 1
  ModelParams(1) = 100
  {{APIPrefix|Call}} AModel.SetModel(ModelType, ModelCategory, ModelName, ModelParams)
{{APIComment|'Add the new model to the current project.}}
  {{APIPrefix|Call}} MyRepository.Model.AddModel(AModel)
End Sub
Sub Main()
{{APIComment|'Connect to the Synthesis repository and set the first available project in the repository as the active project.}}
  {{APIPrefix|Dim}} MyRepository {{APIPrefix|As New}} Repository
{{APIComment|'Declare a new instance of the cModel class. You can use an in-line parameter list to define the model.}}
  {{APIPrefix|Dim}} AModel {{APIPrefix|As New}} cModel(ModelTypeEnum.Weibull2, ModelCategoryEnum.Reliability, {{APIString|"MyNewModel"}}, 1, 100)
{{APIComment|'Add the new model to the current project.}}
End Sub
To learn more, see the reference documentation for the classes and methods discussed in this section:
*[[CModel Class|cModel Class]]
*[[CModel.SetModel|cModel.SetModel Method]]
*[[CModel_Constructors|cModel Constructor (VB.NET Only)]]
*[[ModelTypeEnum Enumeration]]
*[[ModelCategoryEnum Enumeration]]
*[[Repository.Model.AddModel|Repository.Model.AddModel Method]]
==Part 3: Updating an Existing Resource==
In this section, we'll update the properties of the model we've created in the previous section and also update its definition.
1. Create a new module and add code to connect to the Synthesis repository and project.
{{APIComment|'Connect to the Synthesis repository and set project ID#1 as the current project.}}
  {{APIPrefix|Dim}} MyRepository {{APIPrefix|As New}} Repository
2. Next, use the <code>GetModel</code> method to the retrieve the model (called "MyNewModel") from the repository. The following code assumes that the model's ID number is 21.
{{APIComment|'Retrieve the model with ID# 21 from the repository.}}
  {{APIPrefix|Dim}} Amodel {{APIPrefix|As New}} cModel
  {{APIPrefix|Set}} AModel = MyRepository.Model.GetModel(21)
{{APIComment|'Retrieve the model with ID# 21 from the repository.}}
  {{APIPrefix|Dim}} Amodel {{APIPrefix|As New}} cModel
  AModel = MyRepository.Model.GetModel(21)
3. Let's update the model's properties. Use the following code to add a description and part number for the model.
  {{APIComment|'Add a description and part number for the model.}}
  Amodel.ItemDescription = {{APIString|"A specific type of light bulb."}}
  Amodel.ItemPartNumber = {{APIString|"PN5461"}} 
Now let's update the model's definition by changing it's name to "MyNewModel_Updated" and the values of beta &#61; 2 and eta &#61; 150. Use the <code>SetModel</code> method to define the model. In VB.NET, you can use an in-line parameter list to define the values of the parameters.
{{APIComment|'Define a new model name and values for beta and eta.}}
  {{APIPrefix|Dim}} ModelParams(1) {{APIPrefix|As}} Double   
  ModelParams(0) = 2
  ModelParams(1) = 150
  {{APIPrefix|Call}} AModel.SetModel(ModelTypeEnum_Weibull2, ModelCategoryEnum_Reliability, {{APIString|"MyNewModel_Updated"}}, ModelParams)
{{APIComment|'Define a new model name and values for beta and eta.}}
  AModel.SetModel(ModelTypeEnum.Weibull2, ModelCategoryEnum.Reliability, {{APIString|"MyNewModel_Updated"}}, {{APIPrefix|New Double}}() {2, 150})
4. Use the <code>UpdateModel</code> method to apply the changes to the model.
{{APIComment|'Apply the changes to the model.}}
  {{APIPrefix|Call}} MyRepository.Model.UpdateModel(AModel)
{{APIComment|'Apply the changes to the model.}}
===Test the Code===
Below are the VBA and VB.NET code lists for this example. On the Debug menu, click '''Start''' to run the application, and then check the project's Resource Manager to verify that the model's name has been changed to "MyNewModel_Updated" and that beta &#61; 2 and eta &#61; 150.
Sub Main()
{{APIComment|'Connect to the Synthesis repository and set project ID#1 as the current project.}}
  {{APIPrefix|Dim}} MyRepository {{APIPrefix|As New}} Repository
{{APIComment|'Retrieve the model with ID# 21 from the repository.}}
  {{APIPrefix|Dim}} Amodel {{APIPrefix|As New}} cModel
  {{APIPrefix|Set}} AModel = MyRepository.Model.GetModel(21)
  {{APIComment|'Add a description and part number for the model.}}
  Amodel.ItemDescription = {{APIString|"A specific type of light bulb."}}
  Amodel.ItemPartNumber = {{APIString|"PN5461"}} 
{{APIComment|'Define a new model name and values for beta and eta.}}
  {{APIPrefix|Dim}} ModelParams(1) {{APIPrefix|As}} Double   
  ModelParams(0) = 2
  ModelParams(1) = 150
  {{APIPrefix|Call}} AModel.SetModel(ModelTypeEnum_Weibull2, ModelCategoryEnum_Reliability, {{APIString|"MyNewModel_Updated"}}, ModelParams)
{{APIComment|'Apply the changes to the model.}}
  {{APIPrefix|Call}} MyRepository.Model.UpdateModel(AModel)
End Sub
Sub Main()
{{APIComment|'Connect to a Synthesis repository and set the first available project in the repository as the active project.}}
  {{APIPrefix|Dim}} MyRepository {{APIPrefix|As New}} Repository
{{APIComment|'Retrieve the model with ID# 21 from the repository.}}
  {{APIPrefix|Dim}} Amodel {{APIPrefix|As New}} cModel
  AModel = MyRepository.Model.GetModel(21)
  {{APIComment|'Add a description and part number for the model.}}
  Amodel.ItemDescription = {{APIString|"A specific type of light bulb."}}
  Amodel.ItemPartNumber = {{APIString|"PN5461"}} 
{{APIComment|'Define a new model name and values for beta and eta.}}
  AModel.SetModel(ModelTypeEnum.Weibull2, ModelCategoryEnum.Reliability, {{APIString|"MyNewModel_Updated"}}, {{APIPrefix|New Double}}() {2, 150})
{{APIComment|'Apply the changes to the model.}}
End Sub
To learn more, see the reference documentation for the methods discussed in this section:
*[[Repository.Model.GetModel|Repository.Model.GetModel Method]]
*[[Repository.Model.UpdateModel|Repository.Model.UpdateModel Method]]
==Part 4: Calculating Results from Models==
Models are used by other Synthesis resources to represent the reliability of a task, the duration of a task, the expected cost of a repair, and many other characteristics. In this section, we'll learn how to obtain calculated results from models.
1. Create a new module, and then add code to retrieve the model that we've been working on in the previous sections (recall that the model's name is now "MyNewModel_Update"). The following code example assumes that the model's ID number is 21.
{{APIComment|'Connect to the Synthesis repository and retrieve model ID#21.}}
  {{APIPrefix|Dim}} MyRepository {{APIPrefix|As New}} Repository
  {{APIPrefix|Dim}} AModel {{APIPrefix|As}} cModel
  {{APIPrefix|Set}} AModel = MyRepository.Model.GetModel(21)
{{APIComment|'Connect to the Synthesis repository and retrieve model ID#21.}}
  {{APIPrefix|Dim}} MyRepository {{APIPrefix|As New}} Repository
  {{APIPrefix|Dim}} AModel {{APIPrefix|As}} cModel
  AModel = MyRepository.Model.GetModel(21)
2. Use the <code>Reliability</code> method to calculate for the reliability at 100 hrs and the <code>MeanTime</code> method to return the mean time to failure.
{{APIComment|'Calculate the model's reliability at time &#61; 100 hrs and mean time.}}
  {{APIPrefix|Dim}} Result1 {{APIPrefix|As}} Double
  {{APIPrefix|Dim}} Result2 {{APIPrefix|As}} Double
  Result1 = AModel.Reliability(100)
  Result2 = AModel.MeanTime()
3. Let's add confidence bounds calculations to the results. Use the <code>SetConfidenceLevel</code> method to specify 90% two-sided confidence bounds.
{{APIComment|'Set the confidence level to 90% two-sided bounds.}}
{{APIComment|'Declare a string variable for any errors found during this method.}}
  {{APIPrefix|Dim}} ErrorMsg {{APIPrefix|As}} String
  {{APIPrefix|Call}} AModel.SetConfidenceLevel(0.9, ConfBoundsSides_TwoSidedBoth, False, ErrorMsg)
{{APIComment|'Initiate new instances of the BoundsValues class.}}
  {{APIPrefix|Dim}} BResult1 {{APIPrefix|As}} BoundsValues
  {{APIPrefix|Dim}} BResult2 {{APIPrefix|As}} BoundsValues
{{APIComment|'Calculate bounds for the reliability at 100 hrs and the mean time.}}
  {{APIPrefix|Set}} BResult1 = AModel.Bounds_Reliability(100)
  {{APIPrefix|Set}} BResult2 = AModel.Bounds_MeanTime()
{{APIComment|'Display the output.}}
  MsgBox ({{APIString|"Reliability <nowiki>=</nowiki> "}} & Result1 & vbNewLine & _
          {{APIString|"Upper Bound <nowiki>=</nowiki> "}} & BResult1.upper & vbNewLine & _
          {{APIString|"Lower Bound <nowiki>=</nowiki> "}} & BResult1.lower & vbNewLine)
  MsgBox ({{APIString|"Mean Time <nowiki>=</nowiki> "}} & Result2 & vbNewLine & _
          {{APIString|"Upper Bound <nowiki>=</nowiki> "}} & BResult2.upper & vbNewLine & _
          {{APIString|"Lower Bound <nowiki>=</nowiki> "}} & BResult2.lower & vbNewLine)
{{APIComment|'Set the confidence level to 90% two-sided bounds.}}
{{APIComment|'Declare a string variable for any errors found during this method.}}
  {{APIPrefix|Dim}} ErrorMsg {{APIPrefix|As}} String
  AModel.SetConfidenceLevel(0.9, ConfBoundsSides.TwoSidedBoth, False, ErrorMsg)
{{APIComment|'Initiate new instances of the BoundsValues class.}}
  {{APIPrefix|Dim}} BResult1 {{APIPrefix|As}} BoundsValues
  {{APIPrefix|Dim}} BResult2 {{APIPrefix|As}} BoundsValues
{{APIComment|'Calculate bounds for the reliability at 100 hrs and the mean time.}}
  BResult1 = AModel.Bounds_Reliability(100)
  BResult2 = AModel.Bounds_MeanTime()
{{APIComment|'Display the output.}}
  MsgBox ({{APIString|"Reliability <nowiki>=</nowiki> "}} & Result1 & vbNewLine & _
          {{APIString|"Upper Bound <nowiki>=</nowiki> "}} & BResult1.upper & vbNewLine & _
          {{APIString|"Lower Bound <nowiki>=</nowiki> "}} & BResult1.lower & vbNewLine)
  MsgBox ({{APIString|"Mean Time <nowiki>=</nowiki> "}} & Result2 & vbNewLine & _
          {{APIString|"Upper Bound <nowiki>=</nowiki> "}} & BResult2.upper & vbNewLine & _
          {{APIString|"Lower Bound <nowiki>=</nowiki> "}} & BResult2.lower & vbNewLine)
===Test the Code===
Below are the VBA and VB.NET code lists for this example. You can experiment with the code by retrieving ''published'' models from the repository and then comparing the results obtained by the API with results obtained by the Quick Calculation Pad (QCP).
Sub Main()
{{APIComment|'Connect to the Synthesis repository and retrieve model ID#21.}}
  {{APIPrefix|Dim}} MyRepository {{APIPrefix|As New}} Repository
  {{APIPrefix|Dim}} AModel {{APIPrefix|As}} cModel
  {{APIPrefix|Set}} AModel = MyRepository.Model.GetModel(21)
{{APIComment|'Calculate the model's reliability at time &#61; 100 hrs and mean time.}}
  {{APIPrefix|Dim}} Result1 {{APIPrefix|As}} Double
  {{APIPrefix|Dim}} Result2 {{APIPrefix|As}} Double
  Result1 = AModel.Reliability(100)
  Result2 = AModel.MeanTime()
{{APIComment|'Set the confidence level to 90% two-sided bounds.}}
{{APIComment|'Declare a string variable for any errors found during this method.}}
  {{APIPrefix|Dim}} ErrorMsg {{APIPrefix|As}} String
  {{APIPrefix|Call}} AModel.SetConfidenceLevel(0.9, ConfBoundsSides_TwoSidedBoth, False, ErrorMsg)
{{APIComment|'Initiate new instances of the BoundsValues class.}}
  {{APIPrefix|Dim}} BResult1 {{APIPrefix|As}} BoundsValues
  {{APIPrefix|Dim}} BResult2 {{APIPrefix|As}} BoundsValues
{{APIComment|'Calculate bounds for the reliability at 100 hrs and the mean time.}}
  {{APIPrefix|Set}} BResult1 = AModel.Bounds_Reliability(100)
  {{APIPrefix|Set}} BResult2 = AModel.Bounds_MeanTime()
{{APIComment|'Display the output.}}
  MsgBox ({{APIString|"Reliability <nowiki>=</nowiki> "}} & Result1 & vbNewLine & _
          {{APIString|"Upper Bound <nowiki>=</nowiki> "}} & BResult1.upper & vbNewLine & _
          {{APIString|"Lower Bound <nowiki>=</nowiki> "}} & BResult1.lower & vbNewLine)
  MsgBox ({{APIString|"Mean Time <nowiki>=</nowiki> "}} & Result2 & vbNewLine & _
          {{APIString|"Upper Bound <nowiki>=</nowiki> "}} & BResult2.upper & vbNewLine & _
          {{APIString|"Lower Bound <nowiki>=</nowiki> "}} & BResult2.lower & vbNewLine)
End Sub
Sub Main()
{{APIComment|'Connect to the Synthesis repository and retrieve model ID#21.}}
  {{APIPrefix|Dim}} MyRepository {{APIPrefix|As New}} Repository
  {{APIPrefix|Dim}} AModel {{APIPrefix|As}} cModel
  AModel = MyRepository.Model.GetModel(21)
{{APIComment|'Calculate the model's reliability at time &#61; 100 hrs and mean time.}}
  {{APIPrefix|Dim}} Result1 {{APIPrefix|As}} Double
  {{APIPrefix|Dim}} Result2 {{APIPrefix|As}} Double
  Result1 = AModel.Reliability(100)
  Result2 = AModel.MeanTime()
{{APIComment|'Set the confidence level to 90% two-sided bounds.}}
{{APIComment|'Declare a string variable for any errors found during this method.}}
  {{APIPrefix|Dim}} ErrorMsg {{APIPrefix|As}} String
  AModel.SetConfidenceLevel(0.9, ConfBoundsSides.TwoSidedBoth, False, ErrorMsg)
{{APIComment|'Initiate new instances of the BoundsValues class.}}
  {{APIPrefix|Dim}} BResult1 {{APIPrefix|As}} BoundsValues
  {{APIPrefix|Dim}} BResult2 {{APIPrefix|As}} BoundsValues
{{APIComment|'Calculate bounds for the reliability at 100 hrs and the mean time.}}
  BResult1 = AModel.Bounds_Reliability(100)
  BResult2 = AModel.Bounds_MeanTime()
{{APIComment|'Display the output.}}
  MsgBox ({{APIString|"Reliability <nowiki>=</nowiki> "}} & Result1 & vbNewLine & _
          {{APIString|"Upper Bound <nowiki>=</nowiki> "}} & BResult1.upper & vbNewLine & _
          {{APIString|"Lower Bound <nowiki>=</nowiki> "}} & BResult1.lower & vbNewLine)
  MsgBox ({{APIString|"Mean Time <nowiki>=</nowiki> "}} & Result2 & vbNewLine & _
          {{APIString|"Upper Bound <nowiki>=</nowiki> "}} & BResult2.upper & vbNewLine & _
          {{APIString|"Lower Bound <nowiki>=</nowiki> "}} & BResult2.lower & vbNewLine)
End Sub
To learn more, see the reference documentation for the class and methods discussed in this section:
*[[CModel.Reliability|cModel.Reliability Method]]
*[[CModel.MeanTime|cModel.MeanTime Method]]
*[[CModel.SetConfidenceLevel|cModel.SetConfidenceLevel Method]]
*[[CModel.Bounds_Reliability|cModel.Bounds_Reliability Method]]
*[[CModel.Bounds_MeanTime|cModel.Bounds_MeanTime Method]]
*[[BoundsValues Class]]

Latest revision as of 22:14, 9 February 2016

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