RawData Class

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Member of: SynthesisAPI

Represents a single data point in a RawDataSet object. The data point may be for an XFRACAS, Weibull++ or RGA data set.


Name Description
RawData Creates an instance of the RawData class.


Name Description
AddressLocation Gets or sets the location of the owner of the system. Corresponds to the Location field in the XFRACAS contact. String.
Category Gets or sets the XFRACAS incident category. String.
Chargeable Gets or sets the chargeable code value (0 = non-chargeable, 1 = chargeable). Equivalent to the Category Chargeable and Category Non-Chargeable lists in the XFRACAS Admin List page. Integer.
CompanyOwner Gets or sets the owner of the system. Corresponds to the Company field in the XFRACAS contact. String.
DateUDF1 Gets or sets the date in the first user-defined date field. Date.
DateUDF2 Gets or sets the date in the second user-defined date field. Date.
DateUDF3 Gets or gets the date in the third user-defined date field. Date.
FailureMode Gets or sets the description of the failure mode associated with the incident. Corresponds to the Failure Mode field in the XFRACAS incident. String.
IncidentAction Gets or sets the description of the action taken to address the XFRACAS incident (whether a part was removed or installed). String.
IncidentEntityDisplayID Gets or sets the incident number assigned by XFRACAS. It includes the prefix for the entity that the incident is associated with (e.g., E1-201). String.
IncidentID Gets or sets the database ID of the XFRACAS incident. Integer.
IncidentOccurrenceDate Gets or sets the date when the XFRACAS incident occurred. Date.
IncidentRepairDate Gets or sets the date that the part repair or replacement was completed. Corresponds to the Completed Date field that applies to the XFRACAS incident resolution. Date.
IncidentResolution Gets or sets the description of the incident resolution. Corresponds to the Incident Resolution field in the XFRACAS incident. String.
IsLRU Gets or sets the line replaceable unit (LRU). Integer.
LastInspectedTime Gets or sets the time of last inspection. For exporting data sets to Weibull++, this is equal to the state time for the data row. For exporting data sets to RGA, it is the amount of time the system has accrued at the last reported incident. Double.
NumberInState Gets or sets the number of failed units in the group. Equivalent to the Number in State column in a Weibull++ standard folio for grouped data. Double.
NumberUDF1 Gets or sets the value in the first user-defined number field. Double.
NumberUDF2 Gets or sets the value in the second user-defined number field. Double.
NumberUDF3 Gets or sets the value in the third user-defined number field. Double.
ParentPartID Gets or sets the database identification number for the parent of the part that the XFRACAS incident pertains to. Integer.
ParentPartName Gets or sets the name for the parent of the part that the XFRACAS incident pertains to. String.
ParentPartNumber Gets or sets the part number for the parent of the part that the XFRACAS incident pertains to. String.
ParentPartVersion Gets or sets the part version for the parent of the part that the XFRACAS incident pertains to. String.
PartHID Gets or sets the part’s hierarchy identification number. Integer.
PartID Gets or sets the part’s database identification number. Integer.
PartName Gets or sets the part's name. String.
PartNumber Gets or sets the part number. String.
PartOrder Gets or sets the order in which the part was replaced. This corresponds to the order in the repair/replace table in the XFRACAS incident.Integer.
PartSerialHID Gets or sets the part’s serial hierarchy identification number. Integer.
PartSerialMfgCd Gets or sets the serialized part's manufacturing code. String.
PartSerialNumber Gets or sets the part's serial number. String.
PartVersion Gets or sets the part version. String.
ReportType Gets or sets the description of how the XFRACAS incident was reported. String.
RootCause Gets or sets the description of the root cause of the failure mode. Corresponds to the Root Cause field in the XFRACAS incident. String.
StateFS Gets or sets whether the data point is a failure (F) or suspension (S). String.
StateTime Gets or sets the amount of time accrued on the part. Double.
StateTimeRestore Gets or sets the amount of time required for the repair (repair duration). Double.
StringUDF1 Gets or sets the text in the first user-defined text field. String.
StringUDF2 Gets or sets the text in the second user-defined text field. String.
StringUDF3 Gets or sets the text in the third user-defined text field. String.
TimeMetric Gets or sets the calculated time metric that is in use. Integer.
TopLevelCommissionDate Gets or sets the commission date of the top level part in the system. Date.
TopLevelPartID Gets or sets the part ID of the top level part in the system. Integer.
TopLevelPartName Gets or sets the part name of the top level part in the system. String.
TopLevelPartNumber Gets or sets the part number of the top level part in the system. String.
TopLevelPartVersion Gets or sets the part version of the top level part in the system. String.
TopLevelSerialHID Gets or sets the serial hierarchy identification number of the top level part in the serialized system. Integer.
TopLevelSerialNumber Gets or sets the serial number of the top level part in the serialized system. String.


A data point for a Weibull++ data set typically requires the following properties:

  • LastInspectedTime
  • NumberinState
  • StateFS
  • StateTime

For an RGA data set, the typical properties are:

  • LastInspectedTime
  • StateFS
  • StateTime
  • TopLevelSerialNumber