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Member of: SynthesisAPI.WeibullDataSet

Determines which of the selected life distributions best fits the data set (similar to the Distribution Wizard feature in Weibull++) and creates a cModel object that represents the fitted model of the recommended distribution.

Remarks: To specify the distributions, parameter estimation method and other criteria for evaluating the fit, use the BestFitSettings property of the object. To return the cModel object that is produced, use the FittedModel property of the object.





 'Declare a new WeibullDataSet object.  
  Dim WDS As New WeibullDataSet

 'Add failure times to the data set. 
  Call WDS.AddFailure(100, 1)
  Call WDS.AddFailure(120, 1)
  Call WDS.AddFailure(130, 1)  
 'Consider the normal, lognormal and 2-parameter Weibull distributions in the evaluation. 
  WDS.BestFitSettings.AllowExponential1 = False
  WDS.BestFitSettings.AllowExponential2 = False
  WDS.BestFitSettings.AllowNormal = True
  WDS.BestFitSettings.AllowLognormal = True
  WDS.BestFitSettings.AllowWeibull2 = True
  WDS.BestFitSettings.AllowWeibull3 = False
  WDS.BestFitSettings.AllowGamma = False
  WDS.BestFitSettings.AllowGenGamma = False
  WDS.BestFitSettings.AllowLogistic = False
  WDS.BestFitSettings.AllowLoglogistic = False
  WDS.BestFitSettings.AllowGumbel = False
 'Use the MLE parameter estimation method. 
  WDS.BestFitSettings.Analysis = WeibullSolverMethod_MLE

 'Determine which distribution best fits the data set, based on the MLE method. 
  Call WDS.CalculateBestFit()
 'Calculate the reliability at 100 hrs and display the result. 
  Dim r As Double
  r = WDS.FittedModel.Reliability(100)
  MsgBox("Reliability at 100 hrs: " & r)

 'Declare a new WeibullDataSet object.  
  Dim WDS As New WeibullDataSet

 'Add failure times to the data set. 
  WDS.AddFailure(100, 1)
  WDS.AddFailure(120, 1)
  WDS.AddFailure(130, 1)  
 'Consider the normal, lognormal and 2-parameter Weibull distributions in the evaluation. 
  WDS.BestFitSettings.AllowExponential1 = False
  WDS.BestFitSettings.AllowExponential2 = False
  WDS.BestFitSettings.AllowNormal = True
  WDS.BestFitSettings.AllowLognormal = True
  WDS.BestFitSettings.AllowWeibull2 = True
  WDS.BestFitSettings.AllowWeibull3 = False
  WDS.BestFitSettings.AllowGamma = False
  WDS.BestFitSettings.AllowGenGamma = False
  WDS.BestFitSettings.AllowLogistic = False
  WDS.BestFitSettings.AllowLoglogistic = False
  WDS.BestFitSettings.AllowGumbel = False

 'Use the MLE parameter estimation method. 
  WDS.BestFitSettings.Analysis = WeibullSolverMethod.MLE
 'Determine which distribution best fits the data set, based on the MLE method. 
 'Calculate the reliability at 100 hrs and display the result. 
  Dim r As Double
  r = WDS.FittedModel.Reliability(100)
  MsgBox("Reliability at 100 hrs: " & r)