cModel Class

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Member of: SynthesisAPI

Represents a model resource.


Name Description
cModel Creates an instance of the cModel class.
cModel() A parameterized constructor for the cModel class. (.NET only)


Name Description
Bounds_FailureRate Calculates the bounds on the failure rate at a specified time for an associated cModel object. Returns a BoundsValues object that represents the confidence bounds.
Bounds_MeanTime Calculates the bounds on the mean time to failure for an associated cModel object. Returns a BoundsValues object that represents the confidence bounds.
Bounds_Parameters Calculates the confidence bounds on the parameter estimates of an associated cModel object. Returns a ParamBoundsValues object that represents the confidence bounds on the parameter estimates.
Bounds_Reliability Calculates the bounds on the reliability at the specified time for an associated cModel object. Returns a BoundsValues object that represents the confidence bounds.
Bounds_Time Calculates the bounds on the time at which a specified reliability will be achieved for an associated cModel object. Returns a BoundsValues object that represents the confidence bounds.
Bounds_Unreliability Calculates the bounds on the probability of failure at a specified time for an associated cModel object. Returns a BoundsValues object that represents the confidence bounds.
FailureRate Returns the failure rate at the specified time. Double
MeanTime Returns the mean time to failure. Double
Parameters Returns an array of ParamValues objects that represent the parameter name and value pairs of an associated cModel object.
Pdf Returns the y-value of the pdf at the specified x-value (time). Double
Reliability Returns the reliability at the specified time. Double
SetConfidenceLevel Sets the confidence level to use in confidence bounds calculations for published models. Returns a Boolean value; when true, indicates that a confidence level has been set.
ScaleParameter_A For ALTA models, returns the scale parameter at the use stress level. Double. Returns 0 if the model is not an ALTA model.
SetModel Sets the model type, category, name and parameters of an associated cModel object.
SetUseStress For ALTA models only. Specifies the use stress level(s) to use for calculations.
Time Returns the time at which a specified reliability will be achieved. Double
Unreliability Returns the probability of failure at the specified time. Double


Name Description
Category Gets a value from the ModelCategoryEnum enumeration, which specifies the model's category. Default value = 1 (reliability model).
ConfBoundsMethod Gets a value from the ConfBoundsMethods enumeration, which specifies the method (e.g., Fisher Matrix, likelihood ratio. etc.) used for estimating the confidence bounds. Default value = 10 (no bounds).
ConfLevel Gets the confidence level that is currently used for calculations. Double
Designation Gets a string representing the model type (e.g., distribution, constant or dynamic). String
ErrorHappened Indicates whether the last calculation produced an error. (Read-only) Boolean
ID Gets the numeric ID of the model. Long
ItemApplication Gets or sets the item's application. (Synthesis identifier) String
ItemCategoryID Gets or sets the category ID. (Synthesis identifier) Integer
ItemComments Gets or sets the comments. (Synthesis identifier) String
ItemDescription Gets or sets the description. (Synthesis identifier) String
ItemKeywords Gets or sets the keywords. (Synthesis identifier) String
ItemPartNumber Gets or sets the part number. (Synthesis identifier) String
ItemSupplier Gets or sets the supplier name. (Synthesis identifier) String
ItemVersion Gets or sets the version number. (Synthesis identifier) String
Name Gets or sets the name of the model. String
NumStresses Applies to ALTA models only. Gets the number of stresses in the model. Integer
ProjectID Gets the numeric ID of the project the model belongs to. Integer
Type Gets a value from the ModelTypeEnum enumeration, which specifies the model type (e.g., distribution, constant or dynamic). Default value = 101 (2-parameter Weibull).
UnitID Gets or sets the numeric ID of the model's unit of measurement. Integer

See Also