Repository Class
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Provides an application the ability to access and edit Synthesis Repositories.
- New Repository Creates a new Synthesis Repository connection class.
- ConnectToRepository Connects to any (MS Access, MS SQL or Oracle) repository.
- ConnectToAccessRepository Connects to an MS Access repository.
- ConnectToSQLRepository Connects to an MS SQL repository.
- ConnectToOracleRepository Connects to an Oracle repository.
- DisconnectFromRepository Disconnects from current repository.
- GetAllProjects Returns an array containing all project names and their IDs from the current repository.
- GetCurrentProject Returns the name and ID of the current project.
- SetCurrentProject Opens (sets as current) a project with the specified ID. If 0 is passed, a fist available project will be set as current.
- GetAllUnits Returns the default unit ID.
- GetAllModelsInfo Returns an array containing all model names and their IDs from the current project.
- GetModel Returns the model from the current project with the specified ID. Returns nothing if the model does not exist or is not in the current project.
- GetAllModels Returns an array containing all models from the current project.
- AddModel Saves a new model in the repository.
- UpdateModel Updates the model in the repository.
- GetAllURDs Returns an array containing all URDs from the current project.
- AddURD Saves a new URD in the repository.
- UpdateURD Updates the URD in the repository.
- GetAllVariables Returns an array containing all Variables from the current project.
- AddVariable Saves a new Variable in the repository.
- UpdateVariable Updates the Variable in the repository.
Corrective Tasks
- GetAllCorrectiveTasks Returns an array containing all corrective tasks from the current project.
- AddCorrectiveTask Saves the corrective task in the repository.
- UpdateCorrectiveTask Updates the Corrective task in the repository.
Scheduled Tasks
- GetAllScheduledTasks Returns an array containing all scheduled tasks from the current project.
- AddScheduledTask Saves the scheduled task in the repository.
- UpdateScheduledTask Updates the scheduled task in the repository.
Task Types
- GetAllTaskTypes Retuns an array containing all task types in the repository.
- GetAllCrews Returns an array containing all crews from the current project.
- AddCrew Saves the crew in the repository.
- UpdateCrew Updates the Crew in the repository.
- GetAllPools Returns an array containing all spare parts pools from the current project.
- AddPool Saves the spare parts pool in the repository.
- UpdatePool Updates the spare parts Pool in the repository.
- GetAllActions Returns an array containing all actions from the current project.
- AddAction Saves the action in the repository.
- UpdateAction Updates the Action in the repository.
- ImportBlockSimXMLFile Imports from XML file to the current project.
- SaveRawDataSet Saves the raw data set in the repository.
- GetAllXFRACASEntities Returns an array containing all entity names and and their IDs from the current repository.
- ImportXFRACASXMLFile Uploads an import file for processing and returns the system ID of the uploaded
- ProcessXfracasImports Runs the import process
- EnforceRENOCompliance Defines the restrictions on model names. True by default.
- XFRACASImportType Enum for the XFRACAS Import Types
- NameIdPair Class Class to describe a Name and ID pair
- UnitInfo Class Class to describe a Unit