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Sets or gets the stress transformation of a particular stress, using the specified stress index.


  • StressRelation( Index As Integer )


Index: The index of the stress (0 = first stress).


Type: ALTASolverLSR

Usage Example

Declare the ALTADataSet. See New ALTADataSet for additional details.

       Dim ALTADS as New ALTADataSet

Declare an ALTAStressProfile. See ALTAStressProfile for additional details.

       Dim sp = New ALTAStressProfile("Profile1")
       sp.RepeatCycle = True
       sp.AddSegment(1, 250)
       sp.AddSegment(2, 300)
       sp.AddSegment(3, 400)

Add the stress profile. See ALTADataSet.AddStressProfile for additional details


Set the relation for the stress.

       ALTADS.StressRelation(0) = ALTASolverLSR.Arrhenius