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  ModelTypeEnum Enum
  FixedUnreliability = 0
  FixedDuration = 1
  FixedCost = 2
  DiagramAnalysis = 3
  Weibull1 = 100
  Weibull2 = 101
  Weibull3 = 102
  MixedWeibull2 = 103
  MixedWeibull3 = 104
  MixedWeibull4 = 105
  Exponential1 = 106
  Exponential2 = 107
  Normal = 108
  Lognormal = 109
  GenGamma = 110
  Gamma = 111
  Logistic = 112
  LogLogistic = 113
  Gumbel = 114
  WeibullBayesian_NormalPrior = 115
  WeibullBayesian_LognormalPrior = 116
  WeibullBayesian_ExponentialPrior = 117
  WeibullBayesian_UniformPrior = 118
  WeibullCFM = 119
  NormalCFM = 120
  LognormalCFM = 121
  ExponentialCFM = 122
  GenGammaCFM = 123
  GammaCFM = 124
  LogisticCFM = 125
  LogLogisticCFM = 126
  GumbelCFM = 127
  ArrheniusWeibull = 200
  ArrheniusLognormal = 201
  ArrheniusExponential = 202
  EyringWeibull = 203
  EyringLognormal = 204
  EyringExponential = 205
  IPLWeibull = 206
  IPLLognormal = 207
  IPLExponential = 208
  THWeibull = 209
  THLognormal = 210
  THExponential = 211
  TNTWeibull = 212
  TNTLognormal = 213
  TNTExponential = 214
  GeneralizedEyringWeibull = 215
  GeneralizedEyringLognormal = 216
  GeneralizedEyringExponential = 217
  ProportionalHazardsWeibull = 218
  ProportionalHazardsExponential = 219
  GeneralLogLinearWeibull = 220
  GeneralLogLinearLognormal = 221
  GeneralLogLinearExponential = 222
  CumulativeDamageWeibull = 223
  CumulativeDamageLognormal = 224
  CumulativeDamageExponential = 225